More Talent In The Village................
Twilight deepens as I walk from the fog of the city towards The Village. Fumbling for a match, I strike not only it but a posture as I swing access the gateway into it. Gently prodding those who greet me with a remembered moniker (which only slightly of their choosing). I whisper to the friendly overlord and settle in amongst the inhabitants who lurk this corner of the Wide World. We have banded as noncommittal travelers to oblivion’s ecstasy breathing domain. We come from afar, each and all. Swearing allegiance to none but our quests, we meet here to discuss our fortunes and ills, both of this world and another. I see others slide their often lubricated tongues into the fray of language I only occasionally monitor. Laboring for none by myself in this Village, I can only occasionally string out the lexicon used by long time Villagers. I see no Police. I see no Construction Worker. I see no Sailor. I see no large, Half-Naked Indians. Yet we remain Village People, banded together by mutual lust for adaptation to whatever foray we decide upon this eve. We shall never change the world outside our own, but whatever is outside our realm matters not. We are here to entertain ourselves and others, be it with wit or achievement. Here we sit and lounge, deepening our research into fun and revelry. Their faces and True Names are unknown to me; but I know them. Raising my glass to my sweat-beaded lips I cherish each night I meet with thee, Village.
This blurb for the blog was written by WahooSyrup, a new regular to join us in The Village. Welcome and keep writing.
Yet again I am amazed by the talented users The Village has in its cloistered walls. I am so lucky to have so many of you willing to give me your writings to post. Thanks to all.