Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Vibblish Spoken Here

When you enter The Village be prepared; The Village people have
their own language.
They speak Vibblish, a unique way of speaking that is so much fun.
Some have said it has carried on IRL.
We have VladTheEater to thank for getting us hooked into
this unusual vocabulary.
We also want to thank Bdog2509 and BJBinty for expanding
our words and writing this dictionary.

So here goes..........

The Vibblish dictionary, edition 1.

Vibblish-Village speak.
Wibbles-Welcome back
Hibbles-Hurry back
Tybbles-Thank you
Webbles-Your welcome
Kongrabbles-Kongrats, congratulations
Mibbles-Good morning
Ebbles-Good evening
Gnibbles-Good night
Ninjabble'd- Ninja'd
Fubbles-A polite way to swear, without swearing.
Hubbles-Hush up
Hobidibbles for honorary idiot


  1. Unknown said...

    I love it and fubbles is a classic :)

  2. Anonymous said...

    Hah! And who else but me would carry vibblish on to rl? ;)

    -Anonymous antique dealing monster addict.

  3. Anonymous said...

    LOL!! I'm trying to learn.
    I really think there needs to be a word for "agrees with smart user who just happens to be a mod".
    But great job Villagers & BJB & "anonymous antique dealing monster addict".
    Can't wait for the next addition!

  4. Anonymous said...

    We need some new words but love it all the same.

  5. Anonymous said...

    Hm... We really need zomething for "BRB". '-' Bribbles? Bibbles? I have no clue, in all truth...

  6. Anonymous said...

    Awsome cookies and cream for you MeMe and for me of course


  7. Timeskipper said...

    I've noticed that you haven't got anything for "Bye", something like Bibbles or Byibbles?

  8. Anonymous said...
